Hannah holds Bachelor of Science (Marine Science) (Honours I) majoring in Geophysics from the University of Sydney, Australia, and a PhD in Coastal Engineering from the University of Queensland, Australia. She is currently an Associate Professor in Coastal and Marine Science at the University of Newcastle, Australia.
Hannah researches the processes and morphologies of coastal environments using field studies, remote sensing, and modelling. She investigates a range of environments – from temperate sandy beaches to tropical coral reefs – and studies various processes from typical wave breaking to hazards like tsunami. The outcomes from her research have tangible impacts for communities and underpin sound coastal management practices.
Hannah has authored over 60 publications and has been awarded over $1.5M in competitive funding as well as two major research voyages on Australia's Marine National Facility.
Hannah is passionate about science communication and engaging with the community. She has engaged with the media over 40 times including in high profile outlets like the BBC, National Geographic, and ABC News24. Hannah also regularly engages with the community through activities like CSIRO STEM Professionals In Schools and Pint of Science, and by writing for The Conversation.
Hannah's research and outreach have been recognised through her award of a 2021 Australian Institute of Policy and Science Young Tall Poppy Award and as a Science and Technology Australia 2021-2022 Superstar of STEM.
Hannah founded the Australasian Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference series which aims to connect, foster, and showcase the next generation of coastal scientists and engineers. Hannah is on the Editorial Board of AGU's Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans and is a member of the NSW Coastal Council.
Hannah is committed to encouraging more women and girls into STEM careers and all they have to offer. She is a member of the Women In Coastal Geoscience and Engineering network and has presented on equity and inclusion at international conferences (see Surf, swash, and science: From breaking waves to breaking down barriers).
PhD (Coastal Engineering)
School of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland
Bachelor Science (Marine Science)(Honours I)
School of Geosciences, University of Sydney
2021 Australian Institute of Policy and Science Young Tall Poppy Award
2021-22 Science Technology Australia Superstars of STEM Program
2020 Newcastle Herald and Hunter Water Hunter Hero Award Finalist
2015 APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE) Finalist for the Australian nomination, Australian Academy of Science
Profile on WOMEESA Members Spotlight
Profile on NYSF Alum Features
Interviewed on Coast2Cast podcast
Interviewed on The Deep Blue On My Door Step podcast