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Media and
Science Communication

Hannah is an enthusiastic and committed science communicator and has a solid track record of media and community engagement that extends beyond her day-to-day research and teaching. She is regularly interviewed on topical issues and actively promotes the outcomes of her research in high profile outlets like the BBC, National Geographic, and ABC News24. For example, two recent projects received media attention and a global audience of 224 million combined. Selected articles and media appearances are detailed below.

Browse Hannah's media and science communication outputs below:

     Online articles     Radio interviews     Podcasts     TV and videos     Written articles     Outreach     Media releases

Online articles

Online articles

Fieldwork can be challenging for female scientists. Here are 5 ways to make it better

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Hamylton, S. Vila-Concejo, A., Power, H., Gallop, S. (2023) Fieldwork can be challenging for female scientists. Here are 5 ways to make it better, The Conversation, 6 November 2023.

Life on the Edge: Adapting Coastal Management in a Changing Climate

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Power, H., Kinsela, M., Murray, T., and Pomeroy, A. (2022) Life on the Edge: Adapting Coastal Management in a Changing Climate, Australian Quarterly, 93(3), Jul-Sep 2022.

Waves from the Tonga tsunami are still being felt in Australia – and even a 50cm surge could knock you off your feet

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Power, H. (2022) Waves from the Tonga tsunami are still being felt in Australia – and even a 50cm surge could knock you off your feet, The Conversation, 17 January 2022.

6,000 years of climate history: an ancient lake in the Murray-Darling has yielded its secrets

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Power, H., Helfensdorfer, A., and Hubble, T. (2020) 6,000 years of climate history: an ancient lake in the Murray-Darling has yielded its secrets, The Conversation, 6 May 2020.

Scars left by Australia’s undersea landslides reveal future tsunami potential

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Clarke, S., Power, H., Wilson, K., and Hubble, T. (2017), Scars left by Australia’s undersea landslides reveal future tsunami potential, The Conversation, 11 December 2017.

Reimagining NSW: going beyond ‘wilderness’ and finding fresh ways to relate to our environment

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Scherrer, P., O’Gorman, E., Power, H., Kearnes, M., Suchet-Pearson, S., and Latty, T. (2016), Reimagining NSW: going beyond ‘wilderness’ and finding fresh ways to relate to our environment, The Conversation, 3 August 2016.

Photos from the field: our voyage investigating Australia’s submarine landslides and deep-marine canyons

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Power, H., Mollison, K., Kinsela, M., and Hubble, T. (2023) Photos from the field: our voyage investigating Australia’s submarine landslides and deep-marine canyons, The Conversation, 24 January 2023.

“Landslide graveyard” holds clues to long-term tsunami trends

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Bull, S., Watson, S. J., Hillman, J., Power, H. E., and Strachan, L. J. (2022), “Landslide graveyard” holds clues to long-term tsunami trends, Eos, 103. 

From enormous tides to millions of shells, here are 6 unique beaches for your summer road trip

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Power, H. (2021) From enormous tides to millions of shells, here are 6 unique beaches for your summer road trip, The Conversation, 23 December 2021.

Yes, a tsunami could hit Sydney – causing flooding and dangerous currents

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Wilson, K. and Power, H. (2018), Yes, a tsunami could hit Sydney – causing flooding and dangerous currents, The Conversation, 16 October 2018.

Making waves: the tsunami risk in Australia

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Power, H. and Wilson, O. (2016), Making waves: the tsunami risk in Australia, The Conversation, 3 August 2016.

Radio interviews

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Avid Research: #87 What's it like to research an underwater paradox from a ship?


Interviewed for Avid Research Podcast Australian STEM Stories, 24 June 2022.

Coast2Cast: #19 Hannah Power


Interviewed by Dr Ana Vila-Concejo for Coast2Cast podcast on coastal geoscience, 23 September 2021.

ABC Radio Australia: Pacific Prepared – Warnings as Flooding Affects Food Supplies

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Interviewed by Aaron Kearney and Georgina Kekea for ABC Radio Australia's series Pacific Prepared, 16 April 2021.

The Pod: Ocean swimming… and tsunamis

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Interviewed by Marc West for The Pod podcast on ocean swimming, 27 August 2019.

Avid Research: #63 What's it like to research coasts?


Interviewed for Avid Research Podcast Australian STEM Stories, 12 November 2021.

ABC Radio Australia: Pacific Prepared – Disability during disaster – how can we inform and protect our most vulnerable? 

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Interviewed by Aaron Kearney and Georgina Kekea for ABC Radio Australia's series Pacific Prepared, 7 May 2021.

The Deep Blue On My Door Step: Wild waves 


Interviewed by A/Prof Tracy Ainsworth for The Deep Blue On My Doorstep, a podcast series released for National Science Week 2020, 12 August 2020.


TV and videos

TV and videos

Written articles

Written articles


Details coming soon...

Media releases

Media releases

Contributed to Australian Science Media Centre Expert Reaction media release: Tonga volcano eruption; 17 January 2022.

Contributed to Australian Science Media Centre Expert Reaction media release: NZ earthquake and tsunami warning; 5 March 2021.

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