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Hannah has authored over 70 peer-reviewed publications on the processes and morphologies of coastal environments using field studies, remote sensing, and modelling. Her publications span a range of environments – from temperate sandy beaches to tropical coral reefs – and various processes from typical wave breaking to hazards like tsunami. Hannah has authored book chapters in major international textbooks and has published the outcomes of her research in leading journals including Scientific ReportsJournal of Geophysical Research: OceansCoastal Engineering, and Marine Geology. Hannah also presents her research at major national and international conferences on a regular basis. Select major journal papers and book chapters published are listed below and a full publication list is available on Google Scholar


Palmer, K., Watson, C. S., Power, H. E., and Hunter, J. R. (2024). Quantifying the mean sea level, tide, and surge contributions to changing coastal high water levels. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2023JC020737,

​Viola, C. N. A., Verdon-Kidd, D. C., and Power, H. E. (2024). Characterising continental shelf waves and their drivers for the southeast coast of Australia, Ocean & Coastal Management, 253, 107145,

Viola, C. N. A., Verdon-Kidd, D. C., and Power, H. E. (2024). Spatially varying impacts of pacific and southern ocean climate modes on tidal residuals in New South Wales, Australia, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 305, 108869,

AGU Editorial Network [including H. E. Power] (2024). Challenges facing scientific publishing in the field of Earth & space sciences. AGU Advances, 5, e2024AV001334,


Hamylton, S. M., Power, H. E., Gallop, S., and Vila-Concejo, A. (2023). The challenges of fieldwork: Improving the experience for women in coastal sciences, Coastal Futures, 1, e38, 1–4,

Hanslow, D. J., Fitzhenry, M. G., Hughes, M. G., Kinsela, M. A., and Power, H. E. (2023). Sea level rise and the increasing frequency of inundation in Australia’s most exposed estuary, Regional Environmental Change, 23:146,


Palmer, K., Watson, C. S., Hunter, J. R., Hague, B. S., and Power, H. E. (2023). An improved method for computing tidal datums. Coastal Engineering, 184, 104354,


Stringari, C. E. and Power, H. E. (2022). Picoastal: A low-cost coastal video monitoring system, SoftwareX, 18, 101073,


Power, H. E., Pomeroy, A. W. M., Kinsela, M. A., and Murray, T. P. (2021). Research priorities for coastal geoscience and engineering: A collaborative exercise in priority setting from Australia. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 252.


Hubble, T. C. T., Helfensdorfer, A. M., Job, T. A., and Power, H. E. (2021). Reply to: A large mid-Holocene estuary was not present in the lower River Murray, Australia. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-5.

Hubble, T. C. T., Helfensdorfer, A. M., Job, T. A., and Power, H. E. (2021). Evidence for substantial Darling River flows is preserved in 7,000-year-old laminated muds deposited at Monteith, lower Murray River Valley: A challenge to the conventional view of insignificant Darling River flows during the mid-Holocene. Quaternary Australasia, 38(2), 32-41.

Stringari, C. E. and Power, H. E. (2021). LiDAR observations of multi-modal swash probability distributions on a dissipative beach. Remote Sensing, 13(3), 462.

Viola, C. N. A., Verdon-Kidd, D. C., Hanslow, D. J., Maddox, S., and Power, H. E. (2021) Long-Term Dataset of Tidal Residuals in New South Wales, Australia. Data, 6, 101.


Power, H. E. (2020), Chapter 6: Breaking Waves, in: Jackson, D. and Short, A. D., Sandy Beach Morphodynamics, Elsevier, 29 pp. 

Power, H. E., Broadfoot, M. S. S., Burke, A., Donaldson, P. M., Hart, R. M., Mollison, K. C., Schmidt, D. J., and Young, S. M. (2020), Lessons learned from running a conference in the time of COVID-19 and the silver linings of shifting to online. Oceanography, 33(3), 21-25. 


Bryan, K. R. and Power, H. E. (2020), Chapter 4: Wave behaviour outside the surf zone, in: Jackson, D. and Short, A. D., Sandy Beach Morphodynamics, Elsevier, 27 pp.

Greenslade, D. J., Hemer, M., Babanin, A., Lowe, R., Turner, I., Power, H. E., Young, I., Ierodiaconou, D., Hibbert, G., Williams, G., et al. (2020), 15 priorities for wind-waves research: An Australian perspective. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101, E446-E461.

Helfensdorfer, A. M., Power, H. E., and Hubble, T. C. T. (2020), Atypical responses of a large catchment river to the Holocene sea-level highstand: The Murray River, Australia, Scientific Reports, 10, 7503.

Hubble, T. Helfensdorfer, A., and Power, H. (2020), Response to ‘The predominantly fresh history of Lake Alexandrina, South Australia, and its implications for the Murray–Darling Basin Plan: a comment on Gell (2020)’, Pacific Conservation Biology, 26, 215-217.

Mollison, K. C., Power, H. E., Clarke, S. L., Baxter, A. T., and Hubble, T. C. T., (2020), Sedimentology, structure, and age of the Wide Bay Canyon submarine landslide on the southeast Australian continental slope, Marine Geology, 419, 106063.

Mollison, K. C., Power, H. E., Lane, E. M., Clarke, S. L., and Hubble, T. C. T., (2020). The sedimentology and tsunamigenic potential of the Byron submarine landslide off New South Wales, Australia, in: Georgiopoulou, A., Amy, L. A., Benetti, S., Chaytor, J. D., Clare, M. A., Gamboa, D., Haughton, P. D. W., Moernaut, J. and Mountjoy, J. J. (eds) 2020. Subaqueous Mass Movements and their Consequences: Advances in Process Understanding, Monitoring and Hazard Assessments. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 500,

Stringari, C. E. and Power, H. E., (2020), Quantifying bore-bore capture on natural beaches, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, 2019JC015689.

Wilson, K. M. and Power, H. E., (2020), Tsunami modelling with static and dynamic tides in drowned river valleys with morphological constrictions, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 177, 1595–1616.


Power, H. E., Gharabaghi, B., Bonakdari, H., Robertson, B., Atkinson A. L., and Baldock, T. E. (2019), Prediction of Wave Runup on Beaches Using Gene-Expression Programming and Empirical Relationships, Coastal Engineering, 144, 47-61.

Greenslade, D. J. M., Uslu, B., Allen, S. C. R., Kain, C., Wilson, K., and Power, H. E. (2019), Evaluation of Australian Tsunami Warning Thresholds Using Inundation Modelling, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 177, 1425-1436.

Helfensdorfer, A. M., Power, H. E., and Hubble, T. C. T. (2019), Modelling Holocene analogues of coastal plain estuaries reveals the magnitude of sea-level threat, Scientific Reports, 9, 2667.

Stringari, C. E., Harris, D. L., and Power, H. E. (2019), A novel machine learning algorithm for tracking remotely sensed waves in the surf zone, Coastal Engineering, 147, 149-158.

Stringari, C. E. and Power, H. E., (2019), The fraction of broken waves in natural surf zones, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 24, 2019JC015213.


Power, H. E., Kinsela, M. A., Stringari, C. E., Kendall, M. J., Morris, B. D., and Hanslow, D. J. (2018), Automated sensing of wave inundation across a rocky shore platform using a low-cost camera system, Remote Sensing, 10, 11.

Harris, D. L., Rovere, A., Casella, E., Power, H. E., Canavesio, R., Collin, A., Pomeroy, A., Webster, J. M., and Parravicini, V. (2018), Future coastal protection is primarily dependent on coral reef health, not rising sea levels, Science Advances, 4, 2, eaao4350.

Harris, D. L., Power, H. E., Kinsela, M. A., Webster, J. M., and Vila Concejo, A. (2018), Variability of depth-limited waves in coral reef surf zones, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 211, 36-44.

Martins, K. M., Blenkinsopp, C. E., Deigaard, R., and Power, H., E. (2018), Energy dissipation in the inner surf zone: new insights from LiDAR-based roller geometry measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, JC013369.

Vila-Concejo, A., Gallop, S., Hamylton, S., Esteves, L., Bryan, K., Delgado-Frenandez, I., Guisado-Pintado, E., Joshi, S., Miot da Silva, G., Ruiz de Alegria-Arzaburu, A., Power, H. E., Senechal, N., and Splinter, K. (2018), Steps to improve gender diversity in the fields of coastal geosciences and engineering, Palgrave Communications, 4, 103.

Wilson, K. M., Allen, S. C. R., and Power, H. E. (2018), The tsunami threat to Sydney Harbour: modelling potential and historic events, Scientific Reports, 8, 15045.

Wilson, K. M. and Power, H. E. (2018), Seamless Bathymetry and Topography Datasets for Sydney Harbour, Botany/Bate Bay and The Hawkesbury, Australia, Scientific Data, 5:180115.


Atkinson, A. L., Power, H. E., Moura, T., Hammond, T., Callaghan, D. P., and Baldock, T. E. (2017), Assessment of runup predictions by empirical models on non-truncated beaches on the south-east Australian coast, Coastal Engineering, 119, 15-31.

Baldock, T. E., Moura, T., and Power, H. E. (2017). Video-Based Remote Sensing of Surf Zone Conditions, IEEE Potentials, 36(2), 35-41.

Martins, K. M., Blenkinsopp, C. E., Power, H. E., Bruder, B., Puleo, J. A., and Bergsma, E. W. J. (2017), High-resolution monitoring of wave transformation in the surf zone using a LiDAR scanner array, Coastal Engineering, 128, 37-43.

Robertson, B., Gharabaghi, B., and Power, H. E. (2017), Predicting Breaking Wave Conditions Using Gene Expression Programming, Coastal Engineering Journal, 59(3), 1750017.

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